El Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU respalda a Duque y le alienta a hacer más


Naciones Unidas, Estados Unidos  | jueves 11 El Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU otorgó este jueves su respaldo al nuevo presidente de Colombia, Iván Duque, y lo alentó a hacer más para avanzar en la implementación del acuerdo de paz con la exguerrilla de las FARC.

En un comunicado, los integrantes del Consejo alabaron los «prometedores pasos iniciales» del flamante presidente de derecha, un opositor al precedente gobierno de Juan Manuel Santos que ha expresado su rechazo al acuerdo de paz de 2016 que puso fin a medio siglo de lucha armada, pero también ha dicho que no quiere hacerlo «trizas».

El Consejo dio la bienvenida a «los compromisos del presidente Duque para un proceso de reintegración» de los exguerrilleros a la vida civil «más efectivo», y confiaron en que habrá «un progreso acelerado en las semanas venideras».

Al igual que lo hizo el miércoles el jefe de la misión de verificación del acuerdo de paz de la ONU en Colombia, Jean Arnault, el Consejo expresó preocupación por el lento ritmo de reintegración de los exrebeldes a la vida civil así como por los asesinatos de exmiembros de la guerrilla.

Subrayaron la importancia de tomar rápidamente acciones para ofrecer a los exguerrilleros oportunidades socio-económicas y otorgarles las ya prometidas garantías legales y de seguridad «para reforzar su confianza en el proceso de paz».

En una sesión del Consejo sobre Colombia celebrada el miércoles, Arnault expresó su «grave preocupación» por la reintegración económica de miles de exguerrilleros de las FARC.

Llamó al Congreso colombiano a aprobar la prorrogación del subsidio mensual que reciben los exguerrilleros al votar el presupuesto para 2019, tal como lo prevé el gobierno de Duque.

«La amplia mayoría de aquellos en el proceso de reintegración aún no tienen perspectivas económicas claras más allá del estipendio mensual que terminará a fines de agosto del año próximo», alertó Arnault en su cuarto informe trimestral al Consejo de Seguridad.

Solo 17 proyectos de reintegración económica han sido aprobados, y de ellos apenas dos tienen financiamiento, lamentó por su lado el secretario general de la ONU, Antonio Guterres.

El canciller colombiano Carlos Holmes Trujillo, presente en la sesión del Consejo, aseguró que el nuevo gobierno comparte la inquietud por los magros avances del programa de reinserción económica, y dijo que se presentará «un nuevo enfoque» para acelerarlo, aunque no explicó en qué consistirá.

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continuación, compartimos el comunicado emitido por el Consejo de Seguridad:

Security Council Press Statement on Colombia

The members of the Security Council reiterated their full and unanimous support for the peace process in Colombia and shared the assessment of the Secretary-General set out in his 28 September 2018 report on the work of the United Nations Verification Mission.

The members of the Security Council noted that the leading responsibility for implementation of the peace agreement has now passed to a new administration. They welcomed the initial promising steps taken by President Duque’s government, including the appointment of key officials, the resumption of the work of the Commission for the Follow-up, Promotion and Verification of the Final Agreement (CSIVI) and the National Reintegration Council (NRC) as well as President Duque’s commitment to social dialogue.

The members of the Security Council reiterated their serious concern about continued insecurity, drug trafficking and violence in some conflict-affected areas, including the persistent pattern of assassinations of community and social leaders. They welcomed the determination of the new administration to address these issues, as evidenced by the adoption on 23 August of the “Pact for Life and for the Protection of Social Leaders and Human Rights Defenders”, and looked forward to the implementation of actions in this regard.

The members of the Security Council reiterated the importance of the full political, legal and socio-economic reincorporation of the former Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People’s Army (FARC-EP) members and underlined the need for both parties to abide by their commitments. They expressed concern at the current pace of the reincorporation process as well as killings of former FARC-EP members, and underlined the need for rapid action to provide socio-economic opportunities and deliver agreed legal and security guarantees for former FARC-EP members in order to reinforce their confidence in the peace process. In this regard, the members of the Security Council underlined the importance of the work of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace, a central institution in the peace process that provides guarantees for victims as well as participants in the conflict, and other transitional justice processes.  They stressed that the independence and autonomy of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace must be fully respected.  They also welcomed President Duque’s commitments to a more effective reintegration process and looked forward to accelerated progress over the coming weeks.

The members of the Security Council welcomed the commitment by Vice President Marta Lucía Ramírez to maintain dialogue with women’s groups and noted the importance of greater prioritisation and resources to ensure effective implementation of gender provisions in the peace agreement with regard to security guarantees and reintegration.  They also welcomed the Verification Mission’s adoption of a strategy on the implementation of resolutions 2250 (2015) and 2419 (2018) with a focus on young people’s role in reintegration and security guarantees.

The members of the Security Council reaffirmed their commitment to working with Colombia, under the new administration, to renew momentum behind implementation of the peace agreement in order to secure a lasting peace.  In this regard, they echoed the Secretary-General’s hope that the new administration will continue to pursue those issues at the core of the peace agenda: security, development and the rule of law in those areas affected by conflict; an effective system of truth, justice and reparation for victims; and the essential commitments to those who laid down arms.  They also noted the Secretary-General’s call on the government to make available the necessary resources for this critical investment as well as the need for the FARC to meet its commitments, and stressed the importance of the international community remaining closely engaged to support and encourage implementation.

The Members of the Security Council stressed the continued importance of Colombia’s peace process as a source of inspiration for efforts in many parts of the world to end conflicts and build peace.

The members of the Security Council reiterated their support and appreciation for the work of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Mr Jean Arnault, and the United Nations Verification Mission in Colombia.

11 October 2018

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